Locations and Broadcast Links
Find the sacrament meeting times for your chapel and view the live streams from the comfort and safety of your own home.
The Stake Calendar and High Council Visit Schedule
Come Unto Christ
Jesus is the Son of God and our loving Savior. He lived to teach us, and He suffered and died to save us from sin and death. Because of Him, we can be forgiven, we can overcome challenges, and we can live with God again someday.
Sunday School 2025
Instructions and resources from the Stake Sunday School Presidency
Instructions and resources for all things youth.

Relief Society (Coming Soon)
Instructions and resources from the Stake Relief Society Presidency
Stake Choir
Sign up, and other important information regarding the stake choir.

YSA (Coming Soon)
Instructions and resources for the YSA
Video Message From Stake Leaders
Hear inspired and faith promoting messages from leaders in the Barrie Stake.
Find Us On Social Media
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Stake News & Events
Click the button below for the latest news & events from the Barrie Ontario Stake.